Name: Damian Fronzaglia
Age: 51
Location: Gulf Springs, FL
Occupation: Chiropractor
Have you always been an athlete? What sports have you played?
Yes. In grade school, I played basketball, football, even ran a little bit of cross country. Then in high school, I played a little football, track, and briefly wrestled. No sports in college, just Power Lifting.
How did you get into powerlifting?
When I was younger I wanted to play football but my mother was opposed to it because I was smaller than the other kids. I begin lifting weights to get bigger so I could play. That was in 6th grade. By 8th grade, I was strong enough to convince her to play.
Talk to me about your accomplishments in the sport.
I was a teenage state champion in Pennsylvania, a three-time Collegiate All-American. I never won the Collegiate Nationals. I went to 3 of them. I took a bronze and two silvers. I won the Mens Open Nationals in 1991. That was the old American Drug Free Powerlifting Association (ADFPA), the father so to speak of the USAPL today. In 1991, I set 2 World Records in Australia in the RAW Bench Press. From there I went to the World Team in Australia and won an Open World Championship. During all those years, I was a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard. Due to that commitment, it made it hard for me to train.
I went back in 1997 when the merger of the two bigger federations (USAPL and ADFPA) took place and took 2nd. Between 1990 and 1997, I was undefeated in Full power until the Men's Nationals that year. I took a hiatus with kids and family and work for a few years and came back in 2007 and was just doing Bench Press competitions. That same year, I took 2nd at the Bench Press Nationals.
In 2008, I was a Masters 1 World Bench Press Champion. I won the Bench Press Nationals a few years although I can’t remember the exact years. In 2011 and 2013, Masters Nationals, won silver in both. I was on two Open Bench Press Open World teams in 2009 and 2011. In 2012, I was on the Masters World Bench Press team and took 4th that year in a heavier weight class. This past year, I broke 10 Masters RAW World Records in the Bench Press (7 were in St. Croix and 3 at The Arnold) and won Masters II World Total Record.
What are you most proud of?
I would say The Masters II Total World Record that I just achieved this past August. I had so many injuries and obstacles to overcome to make it to that meet. Most of the people who didn't see me bench in the '90s think that I am a Bench Press specialist (laughs). I don't typically get the credit for being a total powerlifter these days so that was nice.
How long have you been using SSP products?
Dennis brought us that stuff in 2009 at the World Championship. I've been using it ever since as well as my son who is a collegiate powerlifter at FIU.
Which products do you use?
I really like the PRE. I also use the POST. The PRE really gets me up to workout. My 21 year-old son is a mess if he doesn’t have his PRE (laughs).
Have you do you find that SSP gives you the edge?
The extra energy with the PRE is very helpful in getting through the workouts and the POST as we get older is much more beneficial I think than even for younger people who have natural testosterone to help their recovery and repair the muscles. So, I think the POST is very productive in helping recovery.
Is there any thing else you would like to share?
I'd like to thank SSP, Dennis, all of my good friends, my son's, my training partners and fellow competitors for making me even better every day. Always remember to have fun!
-Mike Tomczyk
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