Testimonial:  Cancer Survivor

Testimonial: Cancer Survivor

Dear Dennis / SSP;

I want to take a minute to send along two 'Thank You's' after receiving my most recent SSP order. The first is that the non- charge for shipping did not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated as well as helpful. Fighting the cancer and additional disorders over the last two years is not exactly what I had planned.

I would also like to thank you for including the terrific new combination shaker, which I had been eyeing since you had introduced it. That thought means a lot. I do always sing the praises of your products and know that a number of people have either ordered or purchased "The System" at the gym. In fact, I know that a young women picked up the pre and post from Karen today. I finally got her to try my pre (on one scoop) and she said that she should have listened to me all along. When you explain what the ingredients are in each and how they react and interact to optimize what you are working so hard to achieve, it becomes a no brainer to take the SSP System. She will go to the Lean Muscle Meal once she finishes the container of Whey protein she is taking.

Although I have lost a lot of my gains from the illness, when I am at any one of the gyms I can get to, people ask me how at 66 with cancer and everything else I can still look so good and be able to work out. I truly tell them that although I have had to change my workout, the answer is SSP. You know me Dennis; no B. S. in any way. Even when I was unable to work out at all, the Lean Muscle Meal kept me going and feeling that I was not going to lose everything I put in at the gym and in eating habits over the years. You helped me do that with your kindness. As always, I wish you the best. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everything.

Aside from having a tremendous product, you have to have someone behind it that "gets it". Dennis, as a person, combined with your business acumen, you certainly do and deserve all success.

Stay a Champion, stay strong, and stay well.

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