Protein is critically important to building muscle, and this certainly isn’t a secret. But did you know that it might be even more important when you’re trying to shed those extra pounds?
Indeed, studies have repeatedly shown that when dieting, a slightly increased intake of protein (1.2 grams per pound of bodyweight vs the traditionally recommended 1.0 grams) will allow you to lose less lean muscle mass when cutting than you would at the normally recommended protein intake. If you have any idea what a long and hard process building muscle mass can be, this is nothing to sniff at.
Related reading: How much protein should I eat?
While there are many different sources of protein available, they’re not all created equal. A number of differentiating factors have been considered in the making of this list. Some sources of protein are much higher in protein density than others, meaning that they pack more protein per calorie than most other sources – a factor that can be important to you if you’re currently eating in a calorie deficit.
Not only that, but some sources of protein are better absorbed and utilized by your body than others. In other words, the bioavailability of the protein source is an important thing to consider. Lastly, while this might not be important for everyone, the cost of the protein is also weighed in on in this list, as not all sources are economically viable options for the majority of people.
read more: Best Protein Sources
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